
Sullivan & Marks graphics demo reel 1978

2012年07月06日 00:07 ·
Sullivan & Marks had a hell of a team working for ABC.
Harry Marks CD - our leader
David Moore AD - Art Center College of Design
Jeff Doud Director/Designer - UCLA / Art Center College of Design
Kenny Mirman Director/Designer - CalArts
Dale Herigstad Director/Designer - CalArts
All this work was shot on motion control backlit cameras. Much of the production was done on an Oxberry at R&B Efx. Later we were shooting primarily on custom moco setups with Gehring Aviation. These setups worked by configuring stepping motors that were C-clamped together to control a flying lightbox. Multiple passes were required for each color or effect. Many times bi-pack mattes would be created in advance of shooting the final animation and bi-packed into the camera with the original negative. All effects were wedge tested for exposure, and the final animation would typically require 4-12 hours to complete.
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