Victorian Goldfields Railway - Echuca Overlander

2018年06月26日 00:06 ·
Travel in utmost style in two superb first class lounge cars, Tambo & Macedon on the Echuca Overlander.
Our first class carriages offer a luxury travel experience. Immerse yourselfinto the world of Hercule Poirot and Miss Phryne Fisher. Club and parlour cars were a feature and social hub of many of the most famous trains in the past where passengers could relax and mingle in style and comfort. We are limiting the number of first class passengers to 50 to ensure maximum comfort and old-style decadence to relive the Golden Age of rail travel.
Normally running on the Victorian Goldfields Railway our carriages, originally built for The Overland, are the stylish art nouveau Tambo, with its end viewing platform, and the superb art deco Pullman club car Macedon. A full bar service is available all day.
Alternatively you can travel in our Edwardian excursion carriages, which seat six people in each compartment. This option is ideal for families and small groups.
Departing from Castlemaine station early Saturday morning, we pause at Bendigo to pick up passengers who have come by V/line services from Melbourne. After a leisurely journey through Elmore and Rochester we arrive in the river town of Echuca late morning.
To complement this great day out you can have lunch while you take a ride on one of the Murray River’s famous paddle steamers. First class passengers travel on the Emmylou and excursion passengers travel on either the Pride of the Murray or the Canberra. Mid-afternoon we depart for Bendigo and Castlemaine, arriving early evening. Melbourne passengers may connect with V/line services upon arrival at Castlemaine.
Throughout the journey the bar in Maccedon will be open, serving a range of alcoholic beverages, cheese platters and other delights for our first class passengers to enjoy. There is also a kiosk in our excursion carriages, stocking a wide range of light refreshments; food, souvenirs, hot and cold drinks.
To join us for a fabulous and extravagant day, book online at
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