
Making of 'Shepherd Neame - 100% Natural'

2014年07月08日 00:07 ·
A+C (aplusc.tv) studios website and for more stop motion animation: aplusc.tv
'100% Natural’ is a promotion made using stop motion animation for Kent Brewer Shepherd Neame. Following the success of our 2012 Christmas promotion for the company, Shepherd Neame approached A+C with the brief of advertising the natural element of their beers. This animation was created using the ingredients actually used to brew beer – malt, barley and hops.
A+C Studios is an animation production studio, specialising in traditional lens based animation. However, there is nothing traditional about our work! We love to combine hand crafted and original stop motion techniques with new and experimental ideas and design. With our dedicated in-house stop motion studio and creative team, we can efficiently execute projects from initial brief to final production.
To see more of our animations and find out about A+C Studios, you can also also connect with us on:
Facebook: facebook.com/apluscstudios
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/animate-&-create?trk=top_nav_home
Instagram: instagram.com/apluscstudios
Twitter: twitter.com/animatecreate
YouTube: youtube.com/user/apluscstudio
Vine: vine.co/u/908166847952719872
Contact: aplusc.tv/contact-us/
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