
University of California WorkStrong: UC and Its Employees Benefit from IBM Smarter Analytics

2013年06月21日 00:06 ·
The University of California recently launched a wellness program for employees who have sustained an injury in the workplace. This program, started in 2011, is called "WorkStrong" and its goal is to help the university's employees get healthier and stay injury free. This effort runs across the University of California campuses to provide WorkStrong services, which includes personal fitness training, direction from a registered dietician, and a manager to keep the participant engaged and motivated.
The program was put in place in part with the help of IBM Smarter Analytics, which helps to identify risks and lower costs based on analytic research. Once in place, the program helps reduce costs by getting employees healthy again and helping to reduce their risk of future injury. So instead of paying for injuries, the University winds up paying for a healthy, vibrant employee commu
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