
2018戛纳创意节医药类金奖作品 《Blink To Speak》

2018年06月22日 16:06 ·

代理商:TBWA \ INDIA孟买

An estimated 60 million patients of ALS, MNDs, spinal cord injuries, and paralysis live all around the world with a paralysed body and an alert mind.

NeuroGen and Asha Ek Hope wanted to help these patients. They are able to give these patients a longer life, but no power to communicate. Because the alternative methods of communication like the E-TRAN board are very tedious and the hi-tech assistive tools unaffordable. Every day patients struggle to communicate their needs. And the only body part that is functional till the very end, are their eyes.

So we set out to find a solution which was convenient and accessible for all. These organisations distributed over 5000 Blink To Speak books to patients and their families, for free. The cost of printing each book was 7 US dollars. Making sure that the eye language reaches the maximum number of people at the minimum cost.

Blink To Speak was developed after months of research with patients, families, nurses and doctors. After creating some basic eye movements, we gave the book to 70 patients and 3 doctors. They came back to us with feedback on missing messages and difficulty in some eye movements. We made sure that the eye language is easy to use and covers all possible needs and desires of a patient.

Our aim was to create the most convenient method of communication even for someone who suffers from a completing paralysed body but an alert mind.

Just like it’s purpose, we wanted the call to action to communicate the simplicity and the effectiveness of the eye language and also wanted caregivers and family members of patients to download the guide from the website. That’s why we named the world’s first eye language, Blink To Speak.

We created a new eye language for patients suffering from incurable brain and spine diseases. And made it available for free to download on the Blink To Speak, NeuroGen and Asha Ek Hope websites. We also created detailed training modules for caregivers. The guide was distributed to nursing colleges and proposed to be part of their curriculum. Students from schools and colleges were called to volunteer for training. We also sent the book to the Department of Health to be adopted as a government recognised language.

Blink To Speak has given a new hope to paralysed patients and their families. Now they have the power to express with the help of Asha Ek Hope and NeuroGen. Over 5000 patients associated with Asha Ek Hope and NeuroGen are now using or getting trained to use the eye language.

The world’s first eye language has been applauded and shared by major Indian publications like The Times Of India and The Better India. And has been endorsed by the International Association ALS / MND and ALS India.

Over the years there has been extensive research and spend on hi-tech assistive tools for communication. But Blink To Speak is an easy no-cost solution, that is changing people’s lives in every corner of the world.
Campaign Description

NeuroGen Brain & Spine Institute and Asha Ek Hope Foundation (a non-profit) are world renowned organisations that support and treat people with motor neuron disease (MND) and other brain and spine injuries.

There is a bigger battle than the fatal diseases for their patients. The simple act of communication. So NeuroGen and Asha Ek Hope always felt a need for a simple, accessible and affordable method of communication for patients with an alert mind but a paralysed body.

The eye language is specially conceptualised and designed for patients, their families and caregivers to ease their difficulty in speech. This book will help patients all over the world and spread awareness about their struggles and challenges.
Brief With Projected Outcomes

Healthcare regulatory body

- Advertising Standards Council of India

Blink To Speak is a useful tool for an estimated 60 million patients of ALS, MNDs, spinal cord injuries, paralysis who have a paralysed body and an alert mind. Eye language will ease speech difficulties. The book is a guide for caregivers and hospital staff to communicate with a patient.

Person Company Role
Parixit Bhattacharya TBWA India Managing Partner - Creative
Parixit Bhattacharya TBWA India Creative Director
Geet Rathi TBWA India Creative Director
Sagar Jadhav TBWA India Creative Director
Arshia Jain TBWA India Copywriter
Parixit Bhattacharya TBWA India Copywriter
Geet Rathi TBWA India Copywriter
Geet Rathi TBWA India Art Directo
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