
Cannes Lions 2023 | DRAFTLINE | Racing

2023年05月29日 08:05
Argentinian Creativity World Level


Argentina's Racing Club worked with DraftLine Buenos Aires on the front-opening garment.

Soccer fans are almost as likely to be female as male these days, particularly after the scale of the recent women's FIFA World Cup.

Yet the jerseys worn to matches are similar to how they have always been: ie. designed for men.

Mindful of that, Argentinean soccer club Racing Club has developed what it says is the first soccer fan jersey suitable for breastfeeding.

The club worked with agency DraftLine in Buenos Aires on designing the garment, which allows an easy and comfortable opening on the front.

It's available to buy online, and the club is also making the design available royalty free so that other clubs in the world can use it.

The initiative is supported by the Argentine Civil Association of Puericulture, which educates people about the benefits of breastfeeding, and GROW Gender and Work, an organization that focuses on creating work spaces with equal opportunities that are diverse, inclusive and free of violence.

Ficha Técnica
Anunciante: Racing Club
Producto: Camiseta para amamantar

Agencia: draftLine Buenos Aires
Managing director: Guido Chapa Lofiego
CCO: Diego Gueler Montero
ECD: Darío Ventura
CDs: Javier Biondo, Andrés Wassermann
Head of art: Mayra Brulc
Director de Estrategia: Manuel Jofre
Foto Fija: Florencia Giardino
Directora de Operaciones: Agustina Vadori
Lider de PMs: Agustina Simone
PM: Lucila Peydro
Director de Produccion: Sebastian Torrella Reinoso

Productora: Fresca.Tv
Director: Federico Gianotti
Director de Fotografía: Max Ruggieri
Productor: El Aru
Vestuario: Lidia Navarro
Editor: Mauro Caporossi

Con el apoyo de:
ACADP - Asociación Civil Argentina de Puericultura
GROW - Género y Trabajo

Responsable por Racing Club:
Pablo N. Ruiz: Gerente de Marketing de Racing Club
Equipo de Comunicación Digital y Prensa

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