
Now I Know My ABCs

2023年03月27日 03:03
Now I know my ABCs
Learning the alphabet provides children with the essential skills and knowledge they need to become literate individuals, enabling them to communicate effectively, comprehend written text, and engage with the world around them. Usually, the alphabet is taught in a playful and joyful manner. Simple words there are ubiquitous in kids’ environment are used to represent each letter. In 2022, Ukrainian kids learned many words that you would only expect to get familiar with if you are a grownup with military background. Instead of the peaceful “bees” came horrifying “bombs”.
An estimated 1.5 million children affected by the war in Ukraine are at risk of post-traumatic stress disorder. Displaced, disoriented, and devoid of emotional support, these children confront extreme challenges. They need assistance in restoring their emotional well-being and finding a path forward. Artistic practices offer an engaging and transformative outlet, enabling children to adopt and establish roots in new environments.
Mosaїka is a project aimed at empowering Ukrainian children through art. Created by @nukraine.ua, a Ukrainian NGO uniting professionals in film, art, psychology, and media industries. Mosaїka offers a program of art-therapy sessions and creative workshops with prominent artists for Ukrainian children affected by the ongoing war. Curated by recognized local artists, the course enables kids to try different tools and techniques, discover new means of expression, and transform their energy into works of art.
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