
Juice | BMW i3

2023年02月21日 22:02 ·
With post-production and CG animations handled by the team at Juice studio, BMW i3 commercial features a host of otherworldly visual effects, including a car, robotic dolphins, chrome eagles, and a sandstorm in a futuristic stellar dimension. Juice, known for its expertise in automotive commercials, has a portfolio full of projects for clients such as Porsche, Honda, Audi, Mitsubishi, and Buick, among others. The spot was created specifically for the Chinese market, as Managing Director Simon Astbury stated, "This was an amazing challenge for our team. We spent months creating these animations, and we took this project an extra mile for BMW, and I’m sure car enthusiasts will not want to miss this commercial!"
Juice的新作品——与宝马合作的BMW i3广告全新发布,我们负责其中的后期制作与CG动画部分。这个新项目是专门为中国市场打造的礼物。正如总经理Simon Astbury所说: “这次的作品对我们来说是个有趣的挑战。我们花了数月的时间来制作和打磨这些动画,希望为观众带来一些不同的体验,汽车爱好者们或许不会想错过这个广告!”
Agency 代理商: TBWA
Production House 制作公司: MOD Shanghai
Director 导演: Choi
Post-production后期制作: Juice
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