
康师傅冰红茶 - 果燃痛快MV

2022年10月09日 11:10
早先导演与康师傅有过合作,做了一个很生动的『康』皇帝。此次客户需求紧跟虚拟偶像潮流,让程潇与虚拟偶像许星悠做一次联合代言MV。拍片正值上海风控隔离,不仅预算紧张,整个行业情绪低落,制作人员散兵游勇,时机很差。由于只能在杭州执行,制作条件极大受限,监制与导演反复商讨,决定把预算尽量用到特效,减少前期置景压力。导演监制都为此片提前15天离开北京,消星。导演一贯做法,大量的前期设计与准备,美术图、previz 预览一应俱全,PPM客户就基本看到成片感觉,前期执行很顺畅,但是留给后期巨大的体量。承揽此次后期特效任务的是台湾的团队,团队被导演热情与本片创意所打动,动用了所有人力。导演自己承担了设计工作,精准的计划与设计,后期的高效配合,短短两周时间完成了惊人的特效工作,客户非常满意。看着绚丽的效果,导演并没有欢呼雀跃,只感慨能让特效影片良性运转,任重道远。
(幕后设计花絮,请见补充链接 )

Earlier, director Shi Jie has cooperated with Master Kong Co. and made a very vivid Master Kong character. The customer set up the tone of modeling virtual idols, made Cheng Xiao and virtual idol Xu Xingyou in a joint endorsement MV. However, the filming coincided with Shanghai's risk control quarantine, not only the budget is tight, but the whole industry is depressed. The producers are brave when the timing is very bad. Because the filming can only be implemented in Hangzhou, the production conditions are greatly limited.
After repeat discussion between producer and director, they decided to use the budget as much as possible for special effects to reduce the pressure in the early stage. The directors and producers left Beijing 15 days ahead of schedule for the film. The director's consistent practice is that a large number of preliminary design and preparation, art drawings and PPM previews are all available that client can receive a complete perception of the film. The early execution is very smooth, but a huge volume of work is left for special effect, which is burden on Taiwan i-two team(賞霖). The team was moved by director’s enthusiasm and the creativity of the film, and used all the human resources. The director himself undertook the design work, accurately planned, designed the filming. In just two weeks, he completed the amazing special effects work that fulfilled customer request successfully. When watching the gorgeous effect, the director did not cheer, but sighed that the special effects film could work well, there is still a long way to go.

(For behind-the-scenes design footage, please see additional links)


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