

2022年10月09日 11:10
《大话西游》作为中国第一款自研精品国风网游,跨越了近乎整个中国网络游戏发展史,陪伴着无数玩家走过了中国网游发展史上的20年。做为一款20年的国风网游, 《大话西游》承载着每一个大话玩家的青春与情怀,链接着玩家与玩家的友情,爱情,兄弟情,帮派情,是青春的回响更是有温度的陪伴。
至此大话20周年之际,在“相伴青春 每一话”的20周年营销大主题下,推出20周年品牌片《从大话,到兄弟》,以时间为线索,通过年份递进,抓取玩家游戏体验中最有触动的内容,讲述不同年代发生在大话玩家身上的独有记忆,对话老玩家,传达“陪伴是最长情的告白”的品牌价值观。

As China's first self-developed high-quality Chinese national style online game, "Journey to the West" has spanned almost the entire history of online game development in China, and has accompanied countless players through the 20-year history of China's online game development. It shows the youth and passion of every player, and it bonds the players with friendship and brotherhood love. It is not only the echo of young ages and also a warm accompanying though youth.
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of "Journey to the West", under the marketing theme of "accompanying every moment of youth", the 20th anniversary brand film " Journey to the West,Journey to the Brotherhood " was launched. Based on timeline, the film captures the players’ most touching content in their past gaming experience, and awaken the unique memories with the game. The film communicates with players and conveys the brand value of "accompanying is the longest confession of love".

Only with the accumulation of time can love germinate, from shallow to deep
Only with the passage of time and a bit of love can we write a "story"
Only the testimony of time can make love more precious
Whether it is a new player or an old player, their time is different and their stories are different.
Yet their feeling towards youth that accompanied by other players is the same and the unforgettable brotherhood love between the game players is the same.
As a result, based on the timeline, we dig deep into the stories of gamers and captures their most touching content of the past gaming experience. Under several sitcoms, telling the unique stories happen in different eras, communicating with gamers, arousing the emotional resonance of the gamers, and conveying the unique emotional connotation of the game.
Results and Impact
The 20th anniversary of "Journey to the West" brand film "Journey to the West,Journey to the Brotherhood ", which was launched online on May 18, 2022, aroused a high emotional resonance among old players and attracted a large number of them to discuss about it.
Beside, young and new players were attracted by the film, actively participating in the game. In the end, the film generated an all-round and multi-level condense between the gamers and increased user stickiness, and effectively expanded brand influence.


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