Logitech For Creators, a brand extension of Logitech that is dedicated to empowering all creators to pursue their passions, today announced “Together We Create,” a platform that shares its vision of collaborating with creators to shape the future of creating together. “Together We Create” ladders up to Logitech’s global brand campaign DEFY LOGIC, which highlights the diversity of those defying logic as they work, create and play.
This integrated, multi-element, cross-platform campaign will come to life on digital, on social and IRL globally. The campaign starts today, with an anthem video and the launch of Logitech Creator Society, and followed later this month with the second annual Logitech Song Breaker Awards, which recognizes creators who helped propel artists and songs into the music charts through trends and dance challenges that they’ve created and shared on social media. Digital entertainer and superstar Bretman Rock will be hosting this year’s award show
Integrated advertisement created by Golin, United States for Logitech, within the categories: Electronics, Technology, Other. .
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