
The CITIZEN Caliber 0200 Product Movie

2021年03月10日 06:03
About the Work
WOW planned, filmed, and produced the product promotion video for Citizen's first mechanical watch since 2010, "The Citizen Caliber 0200."
To convey the watch's concept of "Aesthetics," show off The Citizen's brand color "Silver," and the "Elegance of the Final Product" built into each part, we depicted the process of the watch as it is being built, and put the spotlight on each individual piece during the process. Additionally, we homogenized the overall look of the video by using a metallic background and focusing on the metallic parts. Using movement as well as the contrast between the hairline and mirror finish, we gave it an industrial and sharp look.
WOWはCITIZENの2010年以来新発表となる、機械式時計「The CITIZEN Caliber 0200」のプロダクト映像の企画・演出・制作を担当。
時計のコンセプトである「審美性」、The CITIZENのブランドカラー「シルバー」、細部まで作り込まれた「仕上げの美しさ」を感じられるように、ひとつひとつの部品を主役として、時計が組み上がっていく様を描いた。また、背景に金属質感を取り入れることで世界観を統一し、金属部品へのフォーカスを演出。ムーブメントと外装、ヘアラインとミラーの対比により、インダストリアルらしいシャープな質感に仕上げた。
Creative Director : Shota Oga
Visual Designer : Kenji Tanaka
Producer : Fumihito Anzai
Project Manager : Ryoma Yamashita
Sound : Underarrow
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