

2021年09月28日 05:09
About the Work
In Japan, since ancient times, it's been believed that gods dwelt in the mountains and forests. It's said that mountain folk gave thanks for the blessings of the mountain and offered prayers to the mountain deity. This was because all natural things on the mountain were considered to be a part of it and were touched with its divinity. They believed the deity dwelt in waterfalls, boulders and even stones, not just in the living things on the mountain. Using stones from a mountain, this work is an attempt to take a peek at the mountain god. Visitors look at actual stones collected from a mountain via a telescope-like device, whereupon diverse scenes unfold from the exterior of the stones and the deity within manifests itself as a landscape. This installation evokes a vista of vast, towering mountains by means of small stones.
Director : Sayaka Maruyama
Designer : Kenji Tanaka, Yutaka Kadota, Shinya Kikuchi
Special thanks : FabLab SENDAI FLAT
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