
Nextorage NEM-PA Series M.2 2280 Gaming SSD

2021年12月01日 07:12
About the Work
The “NEM-PA Series M.2 2280 Gaming SSD” can be used as extended storage for the PlayStation®5. WOW was in charge of the direction and production of the initial screening of this product. The cloth fluttering in the wind creates a cooling impression throughout the video. Which abstractly expresses the release from gaming restrictions obtained through the superior heat dissipation and high performance of the NEM-PA series with an integrated heatsink. The result is an elegant and refined video that draws a clear line under past gaming products.
PlayStation®5の拡張ストレージとして使用できるNextorageの「NEM-PA Series M.2 2280 Gaming SSD」。同商品の初公開映像の演出・制作をWOWが担当。風になびく布は映像全体に涼しげな印象を演出し、ヒートシンク一体型のNEM-PAシリーズのすぐれた放熱性と、高いパフォーマンスによって得られるゲームの制限からの解放を抽象的に表現した。従来のゲーミング用品と一線を画す、優雅で洗練された映像に仕上げた。
Nextorage : nextorage.net/nem-pa/
Creative Producer: Masanobu Nagakura (TANGRAM)
Creative Director: Tao Tajima (TANGRAM)
Director / Visual Designer: Shota Oga (WOW inc.)
Producer: Ko Yamamoto / Ken Ishii (WOW inc.)
Sound Designer: Takahisa Mitsumori (mergrim)
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