
CPBL 30th

2018年12月26日 12:12
In the CPBL 30th anniversary special exhibition promotional video, the lens trails the baseball flying over the exciting years at the sportscaster’s cry of “Hit that ball!” . Many events remain cherished in the hearts of fans, but the cheers and tension of the games are always the most memorable. The past and present are smoothly strung together, with the video made even more entertaining by the fast-paced soundtrack.
:: 中華職棒30 ::
打擊出去! 這一球..........
Director by Bito
Creative Director:劉耕名 Keng-Ming Liu
Art director:夏浩泉 Roy Hsia
Producer:朱庭瑄 CHU TING-HSUAN
Account Manager :彭乃芸 Naiyun Peng
Storyboard / Illustration:夏浩泉 Roy Hsia
Lead Animator:夏浩泉 Roy Hsia
Cel-Animator:林庭歆 Doz Lin
3D Animator:張雅惠 Ya-Hui Chang
Music/ SFX : 三十而立 Sincerely Music
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