Inspired by the tone and style of the iconic 1965 sports film Tokyo Olympiad by Kon Ichikawa, this Tracksmith film is a celebration of the grit and grace of track and field. Directed by Emily Maye, with words and narration by Malcolm Gladwell, it features members of Tracksmith's Amateur Support Program running the final rep of their pre-race workout at Boston's Franklin Park.
Director: Emily Maye
Production Company: Farm League
Director of Photography: Dustin Miller
Producer: David Burden
Editor: Ian McGee
Color: Kath Raisch
Mixer: Tim West
Music: Will Patterson
Words & Voice-Over: Malcolm Gladwell
Caroline Austin
Rolanda Bell
Kenyetta Iyevbele
Ashtin Mahler
Hiruni Wijayaratne
Meredith Rizzo
Mitchell Black
Luca Chatham
George Espino
Myles Marshall
Daniel Winn
Coach: Dena Evans
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