
Daniel Moreno Reel 2022.1 - Houdini / Redshift / Realflow

2021年12月16日 00:12
Collection of my Effects Works.
Created using Houdini, Realflow and Redshift.
00:00:02 - Verizon 5G ( vimeo.com/617136105 )
Responsible for the liquid object formation
00:00:07 - Mercury ( vimeo.com/653745563 )
Water Stream and Smoke simulation and render in Mantra
00:00:09 - Vuse ( vimeo.com/412753102 )
Smoke Simulation
00:00:11 - Milka - ( vimeo.com/184040352 )
Realflow Simulation
00:00:13 - Bis - ( vimeo.com/157769654 )
Realflow Simulation
00:00:17 - Sleepnumber - ( vimeo.com/613728309 )
Augmented Reality displays, animation and Render in Mantra
00:00:21 - Cherry (Film 2021) - ( vimeo.com/656804376 )
Responsible for the Bullets,Smoke,Debris and Sand simulations on the ground (not the explosions). Rendered in Mantra
00:00:32 - Malbec ( vimeo.com/296027177 )
Ferrofluid Simulation
00:00:36 - Vuse ( vimeo.com/412753102 )
Smoke line Trails
Object Instancing and Animation
00:00:41 - Mr Mercedes S3 - Smashing Foot Simulation
00:00:43 - Mr Mercedes S3 - Blood Simulation
00:00:50 - Fear of the Walking Dead S6 - Blood Simulation ( vimeo.com/502314937 )
00:00:52 - Fear of the Walking Dead S6 - Flare Simulation ( vimeo.com/502314937 )
00:00:55 - Fear of the Walking Dead S6 - Blood Simulation ( vimeo.com/502314937 )
00:01:06 - RnD Wave Simulation / Render (Mantra) - ( vimeo.com/507243331 )
00:01:08 - RnD Candy Land - ( vimeo.com/516750085 )
00:01:10 - RnD Candy Crash - ( vimeo.com/521982984 )
00:01:13 - RnD Chocolate Texturing Simulation - ( vimeo.com/427061477 )
00:01:17 - RnD Lines - ( vimeo.com/390119487 )
00:01:20 - RnD Branches - ( vimeo.com/378617012 )
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