
NPO3 Rebrand 2018 Sizzle

2019年02月21日 16:02
In 2016 Dutch Public Broadcaster NPO chose us once again for the rebrand of their NPO3 channel. From the start of the project we were involved in strategic sessions with the NPO and Total Design.
We created a clean, functional and no fuss identity, that puts the emphasis on content and helps NPO3 to stand out in the Dutch media landscape. In this landscape the NPO is publicly funded, with taxpayers' money. Keeping this in mind, our strategy was to make the channel 'belong' more to the viewers themselves.
Our goal was to develop a future-proof strategy & identity, focussing on cross-platform visibility and navigation, that connects and interacts with the target audience.
As the NPO3 programming is provided by various public broadcasters, we created a tool to visually claim the content across platforms to increase visibility —and thus strengthen the NPO3 brand. The literal green NPO3 frame helps the viewer to easily identify —and navigate to their favorite content on all devices.
Our role:
Strategy, Identity & Design
Motion Design, Live Action
Client: NPO3 / Total Design
Music: Massive Music
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