
KÖNIG X PORSCHE | Global Gallery

2021年10月27日 08:10
Eleven emerging digital artists. Five iconic cities. One Global Gallery. Porsche and KÖNIG make digital artists’ dreams a reality.

“Those lucky enough to build a business out of a dream owe it to the world to be the caretakers of dreams.” – Ferry Porsche

As a brand driven by dreams, it is Porsche’s mission to enable those who dare to dream a dream that’s never been dreamt.
Introducing Global Gallery, an eight-week global exhibition in partnership with KÖNIG where we hand over some of the world’s most iconic digital billboards to 11 rising digital artists, helping to turn famous cities into their canvasses.

The immersive exhibition spans popular billboard sites across five major cities including NYC’s Time Square, Berlin’s Sony Centre, Tokyo’s Shibuya Crossing, Seoul’s K-Pop Square and Madrid’s Callao City Lights. All the art pieces on show feature QR codes that allow the viewer to purchase the NFT artworks right there and then.

Visit misa.art/GG to learn more about Global Gallery
Visit porsche.com/dreams to discover the stories of other dreamers’
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