
Nike VaporMax Wet Traction - Nothing Stops Shaq 'Bus'man

2018年12月14日 20:12
1/3 films for Nike VaporMax shot on location in south London over the course of a single day. Off-the-cuff, quirky yet celebrating the grittiness of urban London culture.
This film features 'Shaq' taking out any obstacles (pagans), to make it on time for dinner: bossing it through the slippery estate like a true 'Bus'-man thanks to his 'nang creps' - the new Vapormax Utility with wet traction.
Director: Ehsan B @cooksdj
Production Company: Friend London @friend_london
Exec Producer: Chris Abitbol
Producer: Campbell Beaton @campbellvonbeaton
Production Manager: Tiernan Hanby
Agency: Mox London @mox_london
Creative Director: Matt Bolton
Agency Producer: Rachel Cormack
DOP - Marcus Autelli @Marcus_autelli
Production Designer: Caspar Phillips @caspar.phillips
Editor: Brendan Jenkins @ Ten Three @Jumpkins @tenthree_editing
Second camera operator: Santiago Berni
Colourist: Jonny Thorpe @ Glassworks
VFX Artist: Felix Geen
Music Composition: Chris J P Franks - @Cashino
Sound Mix: Jake Ashwell @ 750_mph
Stylist: Robbie Canale @robbiecanale
Hair / Make-up: Kate O’ Shea
Director Assistant: Raúl Cerezo @grahamthunder
Busman Talent:
Lead boy: Shaquille Williams @_shaq_w
Lead girl: Ronke Olagunju @ronkeeee_
BUS DRIVER: Aymen @aymen
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