
Vertu Constellation - Extended 90' cut - Making Extraordinary

2013年10月01日 00:10
'Creating the world's best luxury mobile phone' - The Constellation is handmade in England by a single craftsman.
This commercial follows a Vertu craftsman in a montage of stimulating macro images cut to a rhythmic score of titillating sound FX.
A visual technique of ‘matching frames’ links contrasting images - from the physical to the sensory; the craft and the technology - the rational and emotional assemblage of 148 parts. Shot from a dynamic and dramatic viewpoint that’s close enough to hear the scalpel; smell the leather; see the dust...
Directed by Ehsan Bhatti
Produced by Wanda London
Creative Agency - CHI & Partners
DoP - David Procter
Executive Producer - Abi Hodson
Line Producer - Melodie Roulaud
1st AD - Claire Awdry
Sound Design - Gary Walker at 750 Mph
Editor - Sam Jones at Cut n Run
Grade - Steffan Perry at Framestore
Prop Stylist - Petra Storrs
Location - Loft Studio
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