
Critical Connection: FedEx Connects People and Possibilities

2019年11月12日 08:11
When medical devices from Asia reach Europe’s doctors quickly, the world becomes just a little bit smaller and a whole lot better. Watch how we can help businesses around the world connect, trade and grow.

Find out more: https://www.fedex.com/en-gb/about/possibilities.html

Watch our new films:

Watch our new film “When Trade Flows” showing how water flows and village life flourishes when engineers in Kenya connect with manufacturers in Australia. https://youtu.be/tCX7BYxNfKk

“Seeds of Growth” showing how, when coffee growers in Colombia come together with coffee retailers in Asia, the opportunity for growth is as powerful as a shot of espresso. https://youtu.be/KtTkiGJsw5g

“Connect with Style” showing how, with the power of eCommerce and just a click, Italian style can be enjoyed around the globe and the world becomes your shop window. https://youtu.be/P5pRumfZ5OE
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