

2017年11月16日 16:11
As part of the Straight 8 competition we made a film on one roll of super 8mm cine film, with no second takes, no editing, no post-production. Sound had to be original and was delivered 'blind'. We saw our straight 8 film for the very first time at Ciclope 2017 in front of an audience.
Project: Straight8/Ciclope Competition
Concept: Emily McDonald
Director: Emily McDonald + Nev Brook
Writer: Ellie Browning + Emily McDonald
Producer: Scott Vennell
DOP: Jordan Buck
1ST AC: Alasdair Baines
Choreographer: Alexandra Green
Stylist: Imogene von Barron
Music: Hannah Thurlow
Audio Mix: Barni Sparkes
WINNER Audience Award Straight8/Ciclope 2017
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