

2021年06月04日 10:06
真正重要的東⻄, 用眼睛是看不見的。 古蹟代表著生活與文化的融合,把無形與有形的歷史產物連結起來, 進而創造出一種集體意識,但這麼重要的文化資產,我們卻常常在生活中一點一滴的忽略他們。
The most important things are invisible to the eye.
Historic sites represent a fusion of life and culture, linking tangible and intangible historic aspects to create a collective consciousness, But we often forget this awareness in our lives.
Therefore, we changed the Chinese homonyms of the historic sites which are pronounced "Gu Ji" to a cuter sound "Gu Gi", and anthropomorphised them into four characters, representing the cultural protectors of "spirit," "substance," "space," and "environment."
We used these four characters to create a story, letting the audience understand the crisis of the disappearance of the historic sites, and we hope that the four characters will lead people to understand and protect the cultural treasures, emphasizing the need to preserve cultural aspects for the future.
Organizer:台南市政府 Tainan City Government
Implementer:蚯蚓文化 JoinCulture TW
Production house:野人設計 Wild Design Studio
Project Manager:吳昱緯 Phil Wu
Illustrator:侯旅雯 Luwen Hou
Motion Designer:吳昱緯 Phil Wu、陳勁瑋 Jimmy Chen、黃敏琇 Mizu Huang 、林玟誼 Wen-Yi Lin
Cel Animation:呂秉真 Binbin Lu
Music & Sound Design:海波浪音樂 HYPERLUNG
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