
Elevation | A visual poem

2021年06月09日 16:06
A couple of days ago we got up at 4am to drive up a mountain to witness the sunrise from this spot, high in the French Alps.
These were the views that we saw as the first light touched the mountain peaks in the distance.
It was definitely worth the early start!
I have always wanted to do a voice over in French and this poem is one that I have read many times and admired since I studied it in school as a kid. Found it to be quite fitting for this footage.
I hope you enjoy this format.
Let me know if you have any questions in the comments :).
Shot on the BMPCC 6K Pro and DJI Mavic 2 Pro.
(Timelapse with the BMPCC6K)
To license footage go to : filmsupply.com/filmmakers/of-two-lands/180
FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM : instagram.com/oftwolands/
WEBSITE : oftwolands.com
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