同一个世界 同一个整体 | 2021首尔P4G峰会

2021年05月16日 08:05 ·
The official #2021P4GSeoulSummit #campaignsong #musicvideo has been released. The song embodies the core messages of the Summit, which will be held for two days from May 30 to 31.

The blue sky that we have taken for granted, the stars and oceans that gave us dreams - they are turning gray due to the looming climate crisis.

You may think efforts at individual levels are not that significant. But if we gather all our efforts for a common cause, we can protect our Green Earth.

“You are the hero I’ve been looking for”

#GreenWeGo #ChangeWeMake

Artist | #Sohyang
Executive Producer | #HyungsukKim
Korean Lyrics | Jaesun Yang
English Lyrics | Junhee Lee
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