
Anastasia Vorotnikova * Director * MART | MIRACLES

2021年03月24日 16:03
The Mart Foundation @mart.foundation presents 'Miracles', a new video clip by the rising Israeli choreographer Nadav Zelner @zelnernadav. Created in Moscow with the dancers of the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theater @stanmus. The full piece will premiere at the upcoming Mart festival as part of 'Four Movements' - a night of one-act ballets, at @suzanne_dellal_centre. To give you an early look at the work, we organized a preview at the renowned Bakhmetevsky Bus Garage in Moscow, which will soon be the Moscow Transport Museum @mtmuseum. Enjoy the video!
Choreographer: Nadav Zelner @zelnernadav
Dancers of @stanmus:
Andrey Kirichenko @a_kirichenko_
Georgi Smilevsky @jora_tut
Joshua Tria @joshua_tria
Production: SAINT’S
Dir: Anastasia Vorotnikova @anvorotnikova
DoP: Andrey Danelyan @der_hampster
Producer: Elizaveta Komarova @lisakomarova
Style: Daria Chernyshova @dariko_che
Muah: Elza Tsedenova @elza.tsedenova
Focus Puller: Ekaterina Chopenko @batterykate
Light: Lev Rimskiy
Color: Artem Leonov @artyhohoho
Edit: Anastasia Vorotnikova @anvorotnikova
Music: Hezi Shaked
Thanks to @Adidasrussia
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