
The Most Colourful B&W… 最精彩的黑與白

2017年05月12日 08:05
Satami 全新鋼圈款式能做出最佳修身塑形效果,而新的無鋼圈功能內衣舒適無壓,卻又能塑造出理想的胸部線條。黑與白?有鋼圈或是無鋼圈?從來沒有規限,黑與白同樣的精彩。

Our wired functional shaping bra can give you the desired shape instantly, whilst our wireless functional shaping bra can give you best comfort yet supportive. Both of our wired and wireless shaping bras can achieve the desired shape that you have always wanted. So black or white? Wired or wireless? All can be your colourful choices.

Visit us now to see it yourself.

Music credit: Ninja Tuna Mr. Scruff 2008
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