New digital tools are encouraging women in advertising to think of new ways to level the playfield.
During this year’s Golden Lion Awards, one moment that was particularly celebrated by the crowd was the Bronze award for best breakthrough director that the Jury gave to the young up-and-coming talent Mai Zi for her stop-motion film “Elephant”created for Huawei. 在今年的金狮奖颁奖典礼上,一个引起现场爆发掌声的瞬间是女性导演麦子凭借定格电影《大象》(Elephant),夺得最佳新锐导演铜奖。
Mai, who, in her own words, is a “rare” presence in the industry as one of the few female directors working in China, said while receiving her award that although unfortunately less than 15% of the workforce in Chinese advertising is female, receiving this honor gives her great hopes for a brighter future for other female talents like herself as creative open-mindedness and different new choices offered by technology are empowering more female directors to “bravely pursue their dreams.”
“最佳新锐导演”铜奖获奖得主 麦子▲
Of course, this is not the case for the Chinese industry only, as similar things have been happening worldwide during the past few years and more female directors and content creators are starting to get the recognition they deserve (with our Mai Zi being an example.) Women in different parts of the world are challenging traditional roles and becoming more aware of their self-worth both in and outside of the workplace, and there are several reasons why these changes should be especially welcomed by the advertising industry.
当然,不仅是中国的广告行业,过去几年内,类似的事情正在全球发生,越来越多的女性导演和内容创作者开始收获她们应得的认可(以麦子为例)。世界各地的女性开始挑战传统角色,并越来越意识到自己在工作场所内外的自我价值认同。这一变化在广告行业中尤其突出。Nevertheless, we cannot ignore that the situation of women in advertising is far from perfect: it is currently estimated that only 7% of ads are directed by women and that 88% of all creative directors in agencies worldwide are male. The good news is that there are an increasing number of confident women inside the business who are not shy about demanding to receive more opportunities and are developing new strategies and tools to challenge the status quo.但是,我们也不得不正视接受广告行业中的女性工作情况并不乐观:据估计,目前只有7%的广告是女性导演的,全球代理商中88%的创意总监是男性。不过好的情况是,行业内越来越多自信的女性在为自己争取更多的机会来挑战现状。The first reason why the advertising business should be more welcoming to having women creators and directors among its ranks is the hard and simple fact that women feel underrepresented on the other side of the business: female consumers are definitely not happy with how ads are portraying them. Women think that their needs as consumers are not being served by the ads on our screens, something that has been known at least since back in 2003, when a breakthrough study by TBWA/London reported that 65% of women said to feel extremely dissatisfied with advertising and the way it was promoting typical gender roles, relying on old-fashioned sexist humor, portraying unrealistic beauty standards and even shaming women for being older than certain age and not having settled down or started a family. Can we believe that this is possible in the age of “Only thirty” (《三十而已》) when women are even daring to not be afraid of aging?广告业务应更欢迎女性创作者和导演加入其行列的:当下女性消费者并不满意广告对女性群体的描绘方式。女性认为屏幕上的广告并不能满足她们作为消费者的需求,至少自2003年以来,TBWA/伦敦的一项突破性研究就报道了这一点。报告称,有65%的女性对广告中宣传传统性别角色的方式表示极为不满,这些展示中都存在着旧式的性别歧视,描绘了脱离现实的形象标准,甚至羞辱那些超过一定年龄,但还没有安定下来或建立家庭的女性。在“三十而已”中女性敢于不怕衰老那样的时代,在将来真的会出现吗?And if anyone thinks that 2003 was too long ago and that it’s impossible that things haven’t changed in almost 2 decades, well, here’s a hard pill to swallow: another study by the multinational Unilever –owner of staple skincare brands like Dove and Ponds– carried out for the Asian market in 2018, revealed similar trends, finding out that, for instance, 62% of advertisements in China, India and Indonesia portray women in non-significant or subservient roles: brands are still telling women that their only worth lies only in being either mothers or wives! So, where are the ads for those women who are building their own paths and choosing their own source of worth?如果有人认为在近20年这种情况有所改变,那么接下来的事实可能会让你很难接受:跨国公司联合利华(Unilever)在2018年正对亚洲市场进行的另一项研究也显示出类似的趋势,例如,在中国,印度和印度尼西亚,62%的广告都把女性塑造成不重要或屈从的角色。这就意味着品牌仍然在告诉女性,她们唯一的价值依旧在于为人母或为人妻。那些展现女性建立自己道路并选择自己价值来源的女性的广告却难以寻觅。Female dissatisfaction with ads means that the numbers cited above should be alarming for advertisers! If women don’t like the way they’re being portrayed, it means that the marketing methods that they are using could cost them half of all consumers.这些数字应该为广告商鸣起警钟。如果女性不喜欢她们被描述的方式,那么说明可能他们所用的营销方式将失去一半的消费者。
On top of that, there is another immense reason why more female participation in advertising should be a priority: women, as Forbes revealed in 2018, are in charge of around 80% of purchasing decisions , so addressing them through a female sensitivity should be a no-brainer for everyone involved.
还有另一个不可忽视的原因使更多女性进入广告行业成为行业优势——《福布斯》(Forbes)在2018年披露,女性占据了约80%的购买决定。所以,依靠女性的感性来接近消费者是必然的选择。Only those taking note of these reasons will be able to take advantage of the potential of a new form of advertising that speaks to women in more creative and non-traditional ways.只有意识到这些,才能真正触达女性群体,利用新的广告形式,以更具创造性和非传统的方式与女性对话。We are living in a time when women are rejecting to be called “leftovers”, when we are rightly starting to tell young girls that they can choose any career they want and when women are even deciding for themselves what their own “golden age” should be (30 is no longer the anxiety-inducing number that it once was!), so it shouldn’t be hard to understand that only through getting more female participation in the industry can advertising catch up with how society’s view of women is maturing.我们生活在女性拒绝被称为“剩女”的时代,我们开始告诉年轻女孩她们可以选择自己想要的任何职业,让女性自己决定在“黄金时代”应该做什么。(30岁不再是以前那样让人焦虑的年龄!)因此并不难理解,只有让更多的女性参与广告行业,广告中对女性的看法与表达才能日趋成熟。
So, how can we make this happen?
First of all, we must invite everyone to support the different spaces and platforms where women are creating the necessary conditions to find fair opportunities. As an example, we have the initiative Free the Bid a non-profit organization launched in 2016 by the Israeli-American director Alma Har'el, that has built a large network of female talent online, bringing together women from many different backgrounds, all pooling their resources to promote equality and diversity while encouraging more women to share information about new projects suitable for their vision.首先,我们必须积极参与和支持那些由女性发挥主导作用的空间和平台。比如说:Free the Bid,这是一个由以色列裔美国导演阿尔玛·哈尔埃尔(Alma Har'el)于2016年发起的非营利组织,该组织建立了庞大的在线女性人才网络,汇集了来自不同背景的女性,所有人都在集中资源以促进平等和多样性,同时鼓励更多的女性分享适合其愿景的新项目的信息。Another approach takes into account that advertising is an industry that depends greatly on mentorship as a means for more experienced talent to offer support and advice. And referring to this particular issue, during the live broadcast of the 2020 Golden Lion Awards final review and selection stage, Ms. Sheena Zheng, chief creative officer of McCann China, called for female talent in the advertising industry to more actively help and promote other women.广告行业比其他行业更依赖于导师制度,有经验的老手为新晋人才提供建议和支持是历来的传统。尽管女性很擅长提供相互鼓励,但她们很少有机会在职场找到真正了解她们的导师。在2020金狮奖终审会的直播上,麦肯中国首席创意官郑以萍女士就呼吁道:广告行业内的女性从业者要帮助和提拔女性。
What examples like these tell us is that more and more women are finding that they have an ally in technology to be able to form groups, to discover each other and to share all kinds of opportunities for collaboration that were previously unheard of. All of this, as Har’el puts is, “a good idea for business”, because diversity increases creativity and ultimately benefits the work that is produced.
像这样的例子告诉我们,越来越多的女性发现自己在技术上有可以组成社群的盟友,彼此探索并分享闻所未闻的各种合作机会。正如Har’el所说,这些都是商业上的好想法,因为多样性能提高行业创造力,并最终使工作成果受益。Through platforms like TVCBOOK or Inspiration, female creators are already reaching out to their peers and building teams where they can feel comfortable and share their creative vision without fear. Just as at the Golden Lion Awards ceremony, Ms. Sheena Zheng and Mai Zi discussed the rise of female creativity in the advertising industry and the need for mutual encouragement amongst women. And as Mai Zi herself put it in her post-show interview, the best part about her award-winning project was that she was given “complete freedom” from the planning until the post-production stage to develop her own creative vision and her award tells us that this freedom paid off both for her and for the client and its target market. 通过诸如TVCBOOK或灵感(Inspiration)之类的平台,女性创作者已经与同龄人建立了联系,并建立了使她们感到舒适且敢于分享自己的创作愿景的社群。正如在金狮奖颁奖典礼上郑以萍女士和麦子共同谈论女性创造力在广告行业中的上扬,女性之间的互相帮助。而麦子自己在展后采访中所说的那样,本次获奖项目的绝佳之处在于,她获得了从前期策划到后期制作阶段的“完全自由”,不去考虑客观因素,专注于想法的呈现,而获得奖项,则证明这种给女性创作者的自由对市场和客户来说都是有价值的。
In the end everyone benefits when more women are given the opportunity to share their talent with the world and we invite anyone inside the industry to use our tools to make themselves known and find people with similar outlooks who are trying to change the industry and bring fresh ideas. We hope that things continue to improve and we are really looking forward to having not only a new “breakthrough director” but a new best director who is female in our Golden Lion Awards in 2021.
最终当更多的女性有机会与世界分享自己的才华时,每个人都将受益。我们欢迎所有行业内的人士使用我们的工具来提高自己的知名度,并找到那些正在试图改变行业并带来新鲜想法的志同道合的朋友们。我们期待更好的未来,期待在2021年金狮奖中不仅有女性夺得最佳新锐导演的头衔,还将会有最佳女性导演进入大众的视野。Let’s hope that we can make it happen together!
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